The Chance That Makes It What We Are (2022)
Installation with robotic arm, real-time video, 5-channel live audio, programmed lights and drawings on aluminum and paper.

The artwork by Roberto Fusco and Emma Fält is a delicate dance of two processes—the nearly perfectly repeatable movement of a robotic arm, and the chaotic and complex recombination of sand.

Translucens (2022)
Holographic projection on water curtain, soundscape.

The artwork by Niko Tiainen combines theoretical mathematical forms – such as the tesseract – with concrete biological form – such as water. It employs non-linear storytelling, blending the Kulesho effect, where different images and video clips merge into one another, and the actual story is created in the viewer's mind. This form somewhat resembles the structure of REM sleep.

Between Two Trees, There Are Many Worlds (2023)
Point cloud of two trees captured by terrestrial laser scanning in collaboration with remote sensing scientists Daniel Schraik and Samuli Junttila.

Taking two trees – a surviving tree and a dead tree – in the central forest in Helsinki as a starting point, the video work by Sheung Yiu explores hyperspectral imaging and posthuman sensing of the natural environments in the context of the ongoing bark beetle infestation in Northern Europe.

An Attempt to Keep My Friends Alive (2022)
Living sculptures made out of human cells. Artificial tissue, bioreactors, made in collaboration with bioprinting company Brinter and Biofilia laboratory in Aalto University.

The work by Pekko Vasantola utilizes tissue engineering and bioprinting to create living sculptures of the cells of the artist’s friends. The work investigates cells and DNA as a source of biological personal data, and portrays people through their materiality instead of visual depiction.

The Curious Machine (2024)
Live speech transcription, sound triangulation, and computer vision for person detection and tracking, custom hardware and software.

The machine constantly searches for the next thing to look at in the exhibition space. It reacts to loud sounds, looks for the closest person to the camera, eavesdrops on people’s conversations and transcribes them on the screens. It fights for your attention as much as it asks you to fight for its attention. Installation by Sheung Yiu and Pekko Vasantola.